Home Bedfordshire Luton Hair Salons Steve Hilliard Hairdressing (Luton) |
168 Barton Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 2BE, United Kingdom
Visit the Steve Hilliard Hairdressing (Luton) website
You can book at Steve Hilliard Hairdressing (Luton) Luton online using our Book Now button located above. Select from a list of services offered, pick your favourite Steve Hilliard Hairdressing (Luton) staff member and book from the dates available.
Our 4 Point Guarantee
1. We guarntee we'll listen carefully, so we can understand exactly what you want.
2. We guarantee to give you the time you need, so you never feel rushed or taken for granted.
3. We guarantee to give the advise you the advise you need, so you will be confident in the choices you make
4. We guarantee when you leave the salon, you'll know how to look after your hair until we see you again.
Reviewed by 1170 customers (view comments)
The overall ranking and star rating is based on customer reviews received in the last 6 months. All customers that paid for a service at Steve Hilliard Hairdressing (Luton) were requested to complete an independent review by mylocalsalon (a minimum of 26 reviews are required within the last 6 months to receive a ranking).
Overall | Environment | Care |
Service Quality & Prof. Advice |
Value for money |
Ultimate Question (Referral) |
Opening Hours
Payments Accepted |
Ladies Cut | Mens Cut | Childrens Cut | Blowdry | Upstyle |
Highlights | Permanent Colour | Semi-Permanent Colour |
Brands Stocked
What our customers are saying about us
Commented reviews only
Luton 28 Apr 2017 |
Luton 29 Apr 2017 |
Overall | Environment | Care |
Service Quality & Prof. Advice |
Value for money |
Ultimate Question (Referral) |
Luton 05 May 2017 |
Luton 08 May 2017 |
Overall | Environment | Care |
Service Quality & Prof. Advice |
Value for money |
Ultimate Question (Referral) |
Luton 11 May 2017 |
Luton 11 May 2017 |
Always look forward to coming here as it feels like a pampered treat. Stylists always remember me and ask about my family, holidays etc which make me feel welcomed and special.Salon has a friendly family feel. It is always busy which is a good sign. Today I was very impressed with a stylist giving a consultation to a client with very long hair who was unhappy with how it had been coloured by a friend. This actually could have been taped for training purposes and for 'evidence for a difficult client' as the questioning and answering technique was brilliant so the client knew exactly what the stylist would do to ammend the issue. Very professional yet clear and concise. I really shouldn't have been listening but I couldn't help myself.